Friday 6 December 2019

I have 2 cockatiels, both roughly a year old, they have a Rainforrest Peru cage which is permanently open at the top where they roost when they are not eating.
Yesterday after washing their food pots in hot soapy water and drying them, I began to measure out their seed with teaspoon, I noticed a tiny little bug of some kind crawling along the rim. The pot is white and was very clean so this bug was easy to see, I squashed it under my finger.
I am so worried in case they have mites, I don't know what mites look like but I do know what fleas look like and this bug was at least half the size. But I don't know where it came from, was it in the seed or the cage. My 2 little guys, especially one of them keeps scratching and biting himself.
As a child after the war most kids at school had fleas or some kind of infestation. Now as an adult I have an aversion  bordering on paranoia of anything like that. Without a microscope I couldn't say what they actually look like.
My birds are not okay with being touched or physical interaction with humans so I don't know how i could treat either of them if i had something that needs to be applied by hand.
I've ordered some mite treatment from Jollyes online but I would feel a lot more confident if someone with experience gave me some practical advice and give an opinion based on what I described.
Thank you if you read this post and double thanks if you can help me.